Ripley View Development Fund

The Ripley View Project offers a ground floor opportunity to capture potential returns in the growing Ipswich area.

Fund Highlights

Fund Duration:

3 Years

Minimum Investment:


47.12ha of land is strategically located within the Ripley Valley (QLD) Priority Development Area. The intention is to achieve a Development Application Approval (DAA) to allow a residential development of 554 lots including a childcare centre with 120 placement capacity.

The site is located near major community and social infrastructure and is provisioned with all the necessary infrastructure so that the DAA can be seamlessly delivered.

The investment strategy is to exit as soon as practical following the Development Application Approval and the sale of Lot 208 which is estimated to be 135 lots and the childcare centre.

The Ripley View Project offers a ground floor opportunity to capture potential returns in the growing Ipswich area.

The Ripley View Development Fund is a wholesale fund with targeted returns of 20% per annum and an estimated two-year investment period. Minimum investment amount of $50,000. If you are interested in investing, click the link below to download the IM and to get in contact with our team.


An Australian Financial Services Licensed Unit Trust

Investment Return

Net Return: 37.13% P.A


Open to Wholesale Investors


At conclusion of the Fund


Fully Subscribed



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